Yunny Pottie

Everything non-work and non-Ozzie... (Heck, I have a blog just for him)

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Fat loss challenge

A few months ago I have been trying to gain weight because I'm underweight.

Now... I'm trying to lose the weight I gained.
The fat just goes all to the wrong places! I was hoping the fat would evenly distribute. But now, I have excess fat on my tummy... My arms and hips are really big. Anyway... I'll lose the weight in time. I don't like diet...
Hmmm.. okay I'll regulate food intake. Except chocolate, ice cream and cake!

I wanted to buy one of those exercise machines you could use at home (I saw one in Rob, just 4K) because I don't have time to go to the gym... but I changed my mind when I can't even go up 4 flights of stairs to go to my apartment.

I was watching TV and saw the infomercial for handy roller. Its a massager which supposedly breaks down fat. How in the world can a massager break down fat? It's just too good to be true. hehehe. Who believes those anyway?


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