Yunny Pottie

Everything non-work and non-Ozzie... (Heck, I have a blog just for him)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Oh boy...

A lot of people are in trouble...

The Worst Sin

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

So that's what those things are called...

I was curious what my lastname meant, so I asked help from our ever trustworthy friend - google, which directed me to wikipedia:

Lorica is a Latin word literally meaning body armour and may refer to one of the following:

Cool! I never knew those armors were called loricas. Ironically, I dislike (hate is such a strong word) watching movies with Roman warriors and such. Well... I dislike war movies. Period.

I also checked out the meaning of my real name. Surprisingly, it means "beloved" or "loved one" in French. I wonder if my parents knew that, or they just picked out a name that matches my sister's? My sister's name obviously means love. I never thought mine did, too.

Funny I've had this name for 23 years now, and I never knew its meaning (well... until now, thanks to my curiosity and google).

Saturday, December 03, 2005


that life could be this perfect